Friday, January 1, 2010

new year resolution!!

Do you people have New Year Resolutions??

Well this year I do have one. You might think my New Year Resolution is BORING,but I like it! My last day of the year I was at home not expecting myself to do any chores/work because I am very LAZY!! But my Mom went somewhere out of the house and she told me to clean the house up a little bit. I told her I was going to take a shower since we were going to go to a party. She told me once again "Clean up the house please". Then she left.So I put on some MUSIC and started doing chores. First, I dusted everything then vacuumed.After that I got the broom after that I mopped. It was hard work who knew Moms had to do a bunch of work.So this year I'm going to help my mom with the chores around the house more. Even though I did some chores for my mom she still does much MORE! She cooks, washes dishes,Landry and much, much more. This is why I'm going to help her with the chores around the house more.That is my New Year Resolution!!!